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Coffee and Laptop in Bed

Bangs Refresh in Minutes!

Grab those Claw Clips and lets do a refresh!

No you don't need to wash your hair as a whole to be able to have fresh bangs/fringe. All I do probably every other morning is pull all my hair back leaving out those bangs, and washing just them in the sink. Shampoo twice, as they get pretty oily being against my skin and then condition and rinse!

Blowdrying them is also about the technique! Left and then right because I am sure most of us have a cowlick or two in there as we speak that gets in out way. By blowdrying them both ways that ensures the fight to go away within them so they lay better for us!

Keep in mind this look is not for the bubble bang look, its just those textured sightly volumized bangs in there to keep you going for a few more days between washes!

I hope this helps if you currently have bangs or been thinking of getting them! They dont have to be scary, they can be fun and super cute to wear for a little change in the game!





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